Vlinker Ford Forscan 2025

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Cod Produs: C128 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0741747028
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Vlinker Ford Forscan functioneaza pe ultimele modele Ford si acopera cu 50 % mai multe module de pe masina fata de cablul simplu forscan .Se utilizeaza cu licenta Forscan extinsa si o puteti obtine gratuit 2 luni de pe site-ul celor de la forscan .


Soft Bonus Ford Forscan inclus cu licenta Standard.

Pentru anumite operatiuni este nevoie de licenta Extinsa (Pret 70 lei pe an ,2 luni gratuite pentru cine doreste sa testeze inainte)
Optiuni valabile doar cu licenta extinsa :
Service -> PATS Programming (Programare CHei )
Configuration and Programming -> Module Configuration
Configuration and Programming -> Module Configuration(AS BUILT format)
Configuration and Programming -> Central Configuration
Configuration and Programming -> Module Reset/Configuration (required to learn central configuration changes related to these modules)

Asta e singura diferenta intre licenta Standard si cea Extinsa

Ford Activare/Dezactivare Functii -Tester Ford: ForScan,Elm Config

Compatibilitate: Windows xp,vista,7,8,8.1,10 .
Compatibil cu majoritatea Ford la zi cu softul original de la forscan .

---- >  Produsul poate avea un ambalaj diferit fata de poza prezentata functie de ce primim de la furnizor dar functiile testerului raman aceleasi <--------

Acest tester este creat special pentru modelele Ford pentru a activa sau dezactiva diferite functii ale masinii.

1)Se pot citi/interpreta/sterge erori de pe motor ,abs,airbag,se pot vedea date in timp real,scriere injectoare(doar pe anumite modele ),Va permite sa faceti reglaje mai fine in GEM cum ar fi viteza la care sa se blocheze usile ,cat timp sa ramana plafoniera aprinsa,etc

2)Se pot dezactiva/activa diferite funcții ale mașinii (daca masina are dotarile respective). Se pot face diverse TESTE specifice fiecarui modul. Programare chei noi, Resetari parametrii EGR,Regenerari filtru de particule,activare sunete,dezactivare + Multe multe functii.

3)Alte module accesate:
  ·          Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
·          Anti-Lock Brake / Traction Control Module (ABS)
·          Hybrid Electronic Cluster (HEC)
·          Left High Intensity Discharge Lamp (LHID)
·          Right High Intensity Discharge Lamp (RHID)
·          Vehicle Dynamics Module (VDM)
·          4X4 Control Module (4X4M)
·          Air Conditioning Control Module (ACCM)
·          Audio Control Module (ACM)
·          Audio Control Unit (ACU)
·          Alternative Fuel Control Module (AFCM)
·          Adaptive Front Lighting System / Auto Leveling Module (AFS/ALM)
·          Adaptive Front Lighting System (AFS)
·          Auxiliary Heater Control Module (AHCM)
·          Audio Interface Module (AIM)
·          Auto Leveling Module (ALM)
·          Amplifier Module (AM)
·          Accessory Protocol Interface Module (APIM)
·          Automatic Ride Control (ARC)
·          A-STOP System (No Idling System) (A-STOP)·
·          All Terrain Control Module (ATCM)
·          All Wheel Drive Module (AWD)
·          Battery Charger Control Module (BCCM)
·          Battery Control Module (BCM)
·          Body Control Module (BCMii)
·          Body Control Module / Generic Electronic Module (BCM/GEM)
·          Body Control Module B (BCMB)
·          Battery Energy Control Module (BECM)
·          Body Electronic Module (BEM)
·          Bluetooth Phone Module (BPM)
·          Security module (CSM)
·          Blind Spot Monitoring (Left) (BSML)
·          Blind Spot Monitoring (Right) (BSMR)
·          Remote Climate Control (RCC)
·          Cruise-Control Module (CCM)
·          Circuit Deactivation Ignition Module (CDIM)
·          Compact Disc Player (CDP)
·          Instrument cluster (INST)
·          Column Lock Module (CLM)
·          Camera Module Rear (CMR)
·          Connectivity Master Unit (CMU)
·          Cellular Phone Module (CPM)
·          Central Timer Module (CTM)
·          Convergence Telematics Module (CTMii)
·          Digital Audio Broadcast Module (DABM)
·          Digital Audio Control Module C (DACMC)
·          DC to DC Converter Control Module (DCDC)
·          Driver/Dual Climate-Control Seat Module (DCSM)
·          Reductant Control Module (DCU)
·          Driver Door Control Unit (DFDM)
·          Drivers Door Module (DDM)
·          Deployable Hood System (DHS)
·          Driver's Seat Module (DSM)
·          (Audio) Digital Signal Processing Module (DSP)
·          Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (EATC)
·          Rader Brake Support (EBS)
·          Electronic Crash Sensor (ECS)
·          Electric Parking Brake (EPB)
·          Electronic-Controlled Power Steering (EPS)
·          Anti-Lock Brake / Traction Control Module (ESOF)
·          Front Body Control Module (F_BCM)
·          Fuel Additive Control Module (FACM)
·          Front Control/Display Interface Module (FCDIM)
·          Front Controls Interface Module (FCIM)
·          Front Display Interface Module (FDIM)
·          Front Distance Sensing Module (FDSM)
·          Transmission Control Module (TCM)
·          Fuel Fired Coolant Heating Module (FFH)
·          Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS)
·          Front Electronic Module (FEM)
·          Fuel Injection Control Module (FICM)
·          Fuel Indication Module (FIM)
·          Fuel Injection Pump (FIP)
·          Front Lighting Control Module (FLM)
·          Fuel Operated Heater (FOH)
·          Forward Sensing Camera (FSC)
·          Fire Suppression System Module (FSSM)
·          Folding Top Control Module (FTCM)
·          Generic Display Module (GDM)
·          Generic Electronic Module / Smart Junction Box (GEM/SJB)
·          Generic Electronic Module (GEM)
·          Generic Function Module (GFM)
·          Global Positioning System Module (GPSM)
·          Gear Shift Module (GSM)
·          Gateway Module A (GWM)
·          Headlamp Control Module (HCM)
·          Headlamp Control Module 2(B) (HCM2)
·          Headlamp Leveling Module (HD_LVL)
·          Instrument Cluster (IC)
·          HVAC Integrated Module (HIM)
·          Heated Steering Wheel Module (HSWM)

Head Up Display (HUD)
·          Heated Steering Wheel Module (HV)
·          Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC)
·          Integrated Air Bag Module (IABM)
·          Smart City Brake Support (ICA)
·          Intelligent Cruise Control Module (ICCM)
·          Information Center Module (ICM)
·          Injector Control Unit (ICU)
·          Interior Lighting Control Module (ILCM)
·          Instrument Panel Control Module (IPC)
·          Intelligent Power Distribution Module (IPDM)
·          Image Processing Module A (IPMA)
·          Image Processing Module B (IPMB)
·          Lighting Control Module (LCM)
·          Left Power Sliding Door Module (LPSDM)
·          Liftgate / Trunk Module (LTM)
·          Message Center (MC)
·          Multifunction Steering Wheel (MFSW)
·          Multi-Information Display (MID)
·          Motor Pretensioner Module (MPM)
·          Navigation Controller (NAV)
·          Air Suspension (4WAS)
·          Air Conditioning (AC)
·          Cruise Control (CCM)
·          Steering Column Locking Module (SCLM)
·          4 Wheel Steering (WS4)
·          Next Generation Speed Control Module (NGSC)
·          Battery Control Module (OBD_BCM)
·          Fuel Injection Control Module (OBD_FICM)
·          Occupant Classification System Module (OCS)
·          Overhead Trip Computer (OTC)
·          Parking Aid Module (PAM)
·          Park Brake Control Module (PBM)
·          Passenger Climate-Control Seat Module (PCSM)
·          Passenger Climate-Control Seat Module 2 (rear) (PCSM2)
·          Passengers Door Control Unit (PDM)
·          Power Running Board (PRB)
·          Power Steering Control Module (PSCM)
·          Passenger Front Seat Module (PSM)
·          Rear Body Control Module (R_BCM)
·          Rear Audio Control Module (RACM)
·          Remote Anti-Theft / Personality Module (RAP)
·          Rear Air Suspension Module (RASM)
·          Rear Air Temperature Control (RATC)
·          Restraint Control Module (RCM)
·          Audio Rear Control Unit (RCU)
·          Rear Electronic Module (REM)
·          Remote Emergency Satellite Cellular Unit Module (RESCU)
·          Rear Seat Entertainment Module (RETM)
·          Remote Function Actuator (RFA)
·          Rear Gate/Trunk Module (RGTM)
·          Retractable Hard Top (RHT)
·          Rear Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (RHVAC)
·          Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
·          Rear Lighting Control Module A (RLCMA)
·          Rear Left Door Control Unit (DRDM)
·          Right Power Sliding Door Module (RPSDM)
·          Rear Right Door Control Unit (PRDM)
·          Tire Pressure Monitor (RTM)
·          Rear Vehicle Monitoring (RVM)
·          Steering Angle Sensor Module (SASM)
·          Smart Brake Support/Mazda Radar Cruise Control (SBS/MRCC)
·          Steering Column Control Module (SCCM)
·          Steering Column/Instrument Panel/Lighting (SCIL)
·          Seat Control Module E (SCME)
·          Seat Control Module G (SCMG)
·          Seat Control Module H (SCMH)
·          Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
·          Satellite Digital Audio Receiver System (SDARS)
·          Steering Effort Control Module (SECM)
·          Secondary OBD Control Module A (SOBDM)
·          Secondary OBD Control Module C (SOBDMC)
·          Side Obstacle Detection Control Module - Left (SODL)
·          Side Obstacle Detection Control Module - Right (SODR)
·          Speech Recognition Module (SRM)
·          Supplemental Restraint System (SRS)
·          Smart Start Unit (SSU)
·          Trailer Brake Control Module (TBC)
·          Energy Management Module (EMM)
·          Tracking and Blocking Module (TBM)
·          Transfer Case Control Module (TCCM)
·          Telematic Control Unit Module (TCU)
·          Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM)
·          Transmission Range Control Module (TRCM)
·          Trailer Module (TRM)
·          Variable Assist Power Steering (VAPS)
·          Vehicle Emergency Messaging System (VEMS)
·          Virtual Image Cluster (VIC)
·          Vehicle Security Module (VSM)
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Suport clienti Luni - Vineri : 10:00 -> 18:00
Sambata : 10:00 -> 14:00

0741747028 suport@autodiagnoze.ro

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